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Portal of the warped ones.

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Portal of the warped ones. Empty Portal of the warped ones.

Post by Josephüs Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:16 pm

On the outskirts of a small ghost town, about twenty miles from the nearest city an enormous, strange unused portal unlike all the others stands ominously. Decrepit and full cracks in its surface, demonically gothic in its architecture it is a giant emerald, carved in the shape of a screaming skull. In an almost perfect two hundred yard circle of land around it every withered, dead and barren as if something strangled the life out of them... And scattered about were many signs, most were simple wooden saying "DANGER!!!!" or "Keep out!" but nearer to the portal was one, more specific sign, much larger than the others, letters hardly legible at a distance. It was a government sign that read.

“Property of the government, do not touch, monster gate.
Mining of gem structure: Prohibited
Setting foot in dead zone: Prohibited
Loud noise in vicinity: Prohibited.
Portal activation: STRICTLY prohibited.”

“Enter at own risk” reads another.

But clearly, many did not listen; many bodies were strewn around the portal, betrayed by their greed they tried to tear it down, many not getting very far, most torn apart by creatures on the other side. Several heavy machines just rusting away amongst the dead, stench of gasoline and oil drowned out by the macabre rank of the rotting dead… Cops, beggars, miners, criminals and mercenaries, all were trying to get a piece… Slowly killing off the town’s residents with its alluring promise of prosperity it became the ultimate irony for the once struggling town.

The question is… Do you dare attempt to approach it?

Posts : 54
Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 34
Location : Pennsylvania

Character sheet
Name: Yuudai Kage Isamu
Species: Shadow kitsune
Portal of the warped ones. Left_bar_bleue1366/1366Portal of the warped ones. Empty_bar_bleue  (1366/1366)

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Portal of the warped ones. Empty Re: Portal of the warped ones.

Post by KrazeeJack Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:32 pm

Roaring across the terrain, a Car would be heard buzzing along the ground, Body low and Tires flashing with a brightly polished Chrome color. Black body and dark purple Racing stripes would highlight the frame of the sleek Mustang, Tinted black windows reflecting the sun ever so brightly against the surface, Loud techno music blasting from the inside, causing the ground underneath to vibrate some. Dust kicked up behind and around the tires, giving it the illusion of floating across the surface of the ground, gliding it's way towards the Gate. Window on the Passenger's side was rolled down, Dark drown black head of a Young Psyrap poked out from the side, Bright yellow and Orange mouth opened to reveal the Bifercated Tongue of the creature.

In the Driver's seat sat K.J., Bobbing head nodding to the music as her finger tapped on the steering wheel, Grin on her face as she seemingly danced in her seat to the pounding music while Wasp hung his head out the window, Growing fairly fast for being only a month old. Paws pushed his body up to let his head poke out the window, Chain collar jingling some as he shook his cranium some before looking out and letting out a loud snapping sound, biting at the wind passing across his face. Black and white eyes looked to Wasp for a moment with a snicker before looking back to the Road, Free arm switching and patting the puppy on the head and back. "Havin' fun, are ye, Waspy? Haha, Good!" She spoke over the music as she looked to the Gate up ahead, Car slowly coming to a stop from 60 MPH down to a creeping 30-15 MPH as they reached the destination, before stopping. Music shut off as soon as K.J. pressed the Button near the side of the wheel and opened the door, Looking around as she stepped out.

"C'mon, Wasp. Walk time." She called, snapping her fingers and watching as the little pup exited the car, pulling the Chain leash from her pocket and snapping it onto his Collar, walking towards the Gate for a small while before stopping, seeing the signs. "Best not go any futher, then..."

Posts : 162
Join date : 2009-10-13
Age : 29
Location : In the Bile Duct of a Raging, Maniacle Mad Cow.

Character sheet
Name: K.J.
Species: Wideheaded Yez
Portal of the warped ones. Left_bar_bleue9000/0Portal of the warped ones. Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/0)

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Portal of the warped ones. Empty Re: Portal of the warped ones.

Post by Josephüs Fri Dec 11, 2009 6:14 pm

As you stopped to observe the signs you would see nothing but death, sounds of the dying faintly heard over the shrill caws of carrion birds. Despite the decay the area looked safe... no security cameras from the government, no guard houses… And over this noisiness you would hear faint ethereal whispers, apparent murmurs of the dead… non spoke a warning about the gate, it was just, gibberish and remnants of the victim’s screams.

But, upon further scrutinization you would notice something prowling around amongst the dead... Some strange long and lanky creature with six legs, two hind legs like any other beast but four forelegs and a strange, long flat tail reminiscent of an eel. Its odd metallic body shining brightly in the sunlight, except for its head, which was the odd white of bleached bone, with thin pointed ears.

Posts : 54
Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 34
Location : Pennsylvania

Character sheet
Name: Yuudai Kage Isamu
Species: Shadow kitsune
Portal of the warped ones. Left_bar_bleue1366/1366Portal of the warped ones. Empty_bar_bleue  (1366/1366)

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Portal of the warped ones. Empty Re: Portal of the warped ones.

Post by KrazeeJack Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:25 pm

Eyes looked to the thing with a narrow gaze, Curling the leash around her hand and keeping Wasp from jumping forward and Barking and Hissing at the thing, which he did despite K.J.'s try to keep him still. a small, firm tap on the head and nose would stop the puppy from barking, now drawn to the hand and nipping at it playfully before continuing his barking. "Oi, Shaddup, Wasp!" She snapped, the pup silencing itself and looking to the ground in search of things to chew on.

"Weird.... Creepy thing dun' look like an'thin' i ever Seen, b'fore..." She mumbled, grabbing her Bloodshot from the waistband of her pants and holding it at the ready by her side, just in case the thing was Hostile.

Posts : 162
Join date : 2009-10-13
Age : 29
Location : In the Bile Duct of a Raging, Maniacle Mad Cow.

Character sheet
Name: K.J.
Species: Wideheaded Yez
Portal of the warped ones. Left_bar_bleue9000/0Portal of the warped ones. Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/0)

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Portal of the warped ones. Empty Re: Portal of the warped ones.

Post by Josephüs Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:54 pm

The creature seemed to be searching for something, sniffing around the bodies, rolling some over with its paws. And on occasion the creature would mule kick the old mining machinery out of its way, sending an enormous drilling Mech hurdling about fifty feet and onto its side. The strange beast roaring loudly in annoyance, still looking around… clearly searching for something important to it… digging here and there, snarling at its dying and recently dead victims like they stole something from it, a lot of them ignorant cops from a recent attempted slaying of the beast. And then suddenly, while its back was turned, someone got up, slowly…

Posts : 54
Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 34
Location : Pennsylvania

Character sheet
Name: Yuudai Kage Isamu
Species: Shadow kitsune
Portal of the warped ones. Left_bar_bleue1366/1366Portal of the warped ones. Empty_bar_bleue  (1366/1366)

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Portal of the warped ones. Empty Re: Portal of the warped ones.

Post by KrazeeJack Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:41 am

Wasp would soon commence his Barking fit again, Snarling and Yipping at the thing that had sat up, K.J. jumping some from the noise and Holding the Gun at the ready, yanking Wasp's collar sharply as the little one made it's noises. "Shaddup, Wasp!" She snapped, Gun still pointed at the thing that now sat up, ready to pull the trigger as She glared back towards the Creature and the scene in general.

"Oi, Git outta here, y'Dumb Animal! Git!" She shouted at the thing, Barrels pointed towards the thing now with some fear causing her arm to shake a little. SHe didn't know exactly what it was, but it was Freaking her out, some.

Posts : 162
Join date : 2009-10-13
Age : 29
Location : In the Bile Duct of a Raging, Maniacle Mad Cow.

Character sheet
Name: K.J.
Species: Wideheaded Yez
Portal of the warped ones. Left_bar_bleue9000/0Portal of the warped ones. Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/0)

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Portal of the warped ones. Empty Re: Portal of the warped ones.

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